15 Ways You Know You're Living With Kids:
- Your morning Today Show is replaced by Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
- Your bathtub is littered with bath toys
- Stairs that are normally accessible are now gated
- The dish drying mat is covered with sippy cups and divided plates
- Your day begins when the first baby feet touch the ground BC - before coffee
- Being able to see the majority of the living room floor is optional
- Cameras are kept up high and out of reach
- The fridge and cabinets are filled with toddler-friendly snacks
- The garbage can seems to always be full
- The dishwasher runs almost daily instead of twice a week
- Naptime and bedtime are the only quiet times of the day
- American Cheese is present at nearly every meal, and raisins, grapes and cookies are staples in the house
- the "Loot Pile" under the tree never really stays a pile
- Sophie has become an expert at averting baby hands and can retreat under the Christmas tree in less than 60 seconds. (Braelyn is obsessed with her paws and I think Sophie equates any paw attention to her monthly manicures which are not her favorite outing.)
- There is always someone to talk to and someone who wants your attention!
Yes, having 4 house guests for two weeks creates a bit of a wave in our normally placid ocean, ok.....some days it feels like a small tsunami, but I wouldn't trade a moment of it for anything. I'll embrace the mess, the laundry, the early mornings and even the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse because there is nothing better in life than being able to spend these precious days with family. I've said it from the start, being a grandparent is the biggest blessing and greatest joy there is. Being able to have these two weeks to watch Braelyn's funny disposition, hear her giggles, and feel her hugs was the best gift Santa could deliver. Spending time with Elena doing crafts, enjoying her complete awe in everything involving Christmas, seeing her enthusiasm over learning new things.....well, let me say, it sounds biased, but our grandkids are the best.
I may love retirement and the quiet life with just the two of us, but as any of you grandparents and parents can attest.....there's nothing better than having your whole family together anytime, but especially at the holidays. Hope you don't mind, but here's a little glimpse into our special holiday time.........
From biking in 60 degrees on Christmas Eve.............to sledding today, Grandpa is a girl's best friend!
Is it any wonder I savor these days?
Note bottom middle photo - Braelyn wearing a crown of Grandpa's 55 yr. old Tinkertoys!
I told you he was an antique!
My older daughter Katie and son-in-law Mike (top left), my daughter Laura, Braelyn, Katie, Elena, Me and my Mom on the top right, and Laura, son-in-law Eric with Elena & Braelyn, bottom right.
Finally had an extended number of days home which allowed time to have Braelyn christened! She wasn't a fan of being confined, but when it came time for the water....she was A-ok!
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