Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing, but reflection.
-Winston Churchill
What a true statement! Reflection....that's exactly what decorating for holidays is for me, a time to bring out pieces that take me back to cherished times and people and surround myself with memorabilia from family members who have left this earthly place. And if I'm totally honest....I also love adding new pieces to the collection but it's the mementos that make the Welter household feel warm and personal.
Let me say up front.....this is NOT a showcase of my decor. I am absolutely not sharing to boast or because I think my home is anything but my little corner of paradise. My purpose in sharing is to demonstrate how anyone can mix everyday items, including pieces of family history, to make your decor personal and meaningful. Let me show you what I mean!

Let's start here....with John's childhood Radio Flyer wagon. It works perfectly to make our 6' tree look a little more stately. While we're in this room notice the piece of barnwood on the wall above the tv. It's a piece of wood from my favorite (now gone) barn on Wells Road in Easton. I was gifted two pieces of wood by the Gillis family. I painted a beach scene on one and a winter scene on the other. Below that are two pieces of art by the very talented Shelly Broughton. You'll notice I have quite a collection of her art scattered around the house. You can purchase her art online and at Bluebird Home Decor on State Street in Schenectady.
This shelf houses my collection of Santas, many which I painted many years ago, some I collected at the craft shows where I sold my crafts. Seeing them reminds me of those days when I'd stay up late making inventory to sell at local shows with my dear friend, Lori, who now lives in Virginia. Speaking of Lori, she is so talented. This Santa is one of her masterpieces and I think of her every year when I bring him out (since 1996).
Of course I'll always cherish this gift below ..... my 1933 Underwood typewriter that John gifted me last Christmas from Sugarbush Lane Mercantile in Charlton
Sugarbushlane Merc Facebook. Next to it, this crackle glass red jar was my mom's. She and my grandmother collected colored crackle glass back in the 1960's. I have several pieces of their collection, but this one I only bring out for Christmas. The pipe, purchased this year, (along with the bulk of my home decor) at the Speckled Hen ( reminds me of my grandfather whose pipe scent I can still vividly remember.

Many, many years ago, John's mom gifted me (four Christmases in a row) this collection of Hummel cottages. She didn't drive, but she always managed to find the most thoughtful, cherished gifts, often things she knew we'd love but wouldn't buy ourselves. The ceramic tree was painted by my mom many years ago.
Speaking of ceramics, this large (24") lighted candle was painted by my mother's sister who was a ceramic teacher. This goes back to the 60's or 70's.
The mementos continue into the dining room where I made a centerpiece using my great Aunt Antoinette's cake plate. She was more like a grandmother to me and lived to be almost 102. I've written about her here on the blog.
Her sister-in-law, my Aunt Harriet, was the owner of this old suitcase. She died in 2011 at almost 101, she's also the subject of a story on the blog. The suitcase is holding a lantern we purchased early in our marriage for power outages.
Holidays always bring us back to childhood and these sure help remind us of the magic of Christmas in a child's heart.
Also created in my aunt's ceramic studio, this beautiful nativity set was a collaboration of effort by my aunt, my grandmother and my grandfather back in the 60's or 70's. The counted cross-stitch hanging above it was made by my mother-in-law in the 80's.
One very special dad's Santa. I keep him safe under this cloche. I'm so very fortunate to be an only child and have all of these special pieces.
Here's a short tour of a little more of the holiday extravaganza..... 46 years of collected pieces mixed with a few of this year's new treasures. Again, not professional or magazine worthy, just cozy and personal to our taste.
This old window has been made more interesting using my favorite decorating outlet - Etsy digital art. For just a few dollars, you can purchase art of all sorts and have it printed at your local CVS or Walgreens and have seasonal, new art all year 'round.
This enamel wash basin belonged to my Aunt Harriet. I've been dying to use it! |
Again....Etsy digital art!! |
My living room tree this year features brown and blue ornaments, frosted pinecones and my woodland ornaments collected over the years.
This snow globe was made last Christmas when the grandchildren came over for a pre-holiday craft party/Santa visit.
The gorgeous country landscape over the fireplace is new this year - from the Garden Bug in Amsterdam.
The family room tree is traditional red and white featuring snowball garlands and suede pom-pom clusters from Hobby Lobby, red berries, red balls, glittery snowballs and a handful of my very large collection of mouse ornaments.

Now I'll make a little 14 year old granddaughter did almost all of this....the mantle, the trees and the enamel basin! She's got a great eye and I'm so lucky to have her help - and her energy. She's been a few years in training and all I do is hand her the items and she places them! Impressive huh?
It doesn't matter what your personal style, whether your decor is all new or a collection passed down through the generations as long as it makes you happy and evokes whatever holiday look you are aiming for. I think in this age of social media and influencers constantly in our feeds, it's easy to feel like we have to measure up or keep up with trends. Neither is true. Surround yourself with the people and things that make your own heart happy and remind you of holidays past and remember those no longer with us.
I hope this holiday post brings you joy and inspires you to savor each day before the holiday season. I hope you find time to pause for a moment and enjoy the magic around you and the people who make the holiday special. Thank you for the opportunity to share this post and all my posts with you throughout the year! Merry Christmas!
For more inspiration (of the professional sort), check out one of my favorite lifestyle bloggers, Colleen at My Life On Kaydeross Creek. She will definitely inspire you and will give you a world of droolworthy ideas for your home all year 'round.