If decorating your home for the holidays is one of your favorite parts of the holiday season, you'll want to plan a visit to The Speckled Hen in Scotia.
Beautiful for every season, the Christmas season is probably everyone's favorite at the Speckled Hen, including Maureen's, the creative genius who opened the doors at the Speckled Hen in March of 2011. From 2011 until last June, the Speckled Hen was located in Maureen's home, just down the road from her big, new location. The Hen amassed a giant following at its smaller location with some of the most devoted (and addicted) shoppers in NYS. One may have imagined it couldn't get any better, but this new location has beckoned new customers by the droves - some who were shy about visiting a 'home' location. Now the Hen is larger, very open (but just as cozy) and handicap friendly.
If you've read any of my "Let's Shop" blogs over the years, or seen any of my 'house tour' blogs, you know I'm a big fan of the Speckled Hen. You can pretty much look at any vignette, tabletop or wall in our home and see something from the Hen - not just at Christmas, but all year 'round. You can imagine how difficult and tempting it is to shoot photos in such a beautiful shop - like sending a little girl into an American Girl store. The difference is I can afford to shop at the Hen! Despite the temptation, I'm honored Maureen trusts me to share her passion with my readers. With the holiday season just around the corner, you'll want to plan a visit to the Speckled Hen for all of your holiday décor. For now though, take a virtual tour of this holiday wonderland. Notice there's plenty of décor to keep your home cozy straight through till spring, not just for the holidays.
You think that's pretty, check out the bathroom....gorgeous, right?
One of Maureen's favorite things about the new store is having a stockroom on the same floor as the shop! No more traipsing up and down stairs to restock!If you haven't been to the Speckled Hen's new location, or have never been at all, now's the time. The Hen is located at 14 Saratoga Road (Rt. 50) next door to Monroe Muffler in Scotia NY. Current hours are Wed-Fri 10:00-6:00, Saturday 10:00-4:00 and Sunday 12:00-4:00. Hours change seasonally, so check before you visit. https://www.facebook.com/thespeckledhenscotia Tell Maureen I sent you! Not convinced yet? Here's a few more ....