Spring Has Arrived in Style at the Speckled Hen

Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Well, after a record-breaking 81 degrees on the 9th of March, it's not hard to believe spring is around the corner, and the Easter Bunny will be hopping on in very soon.  As beautiful as it was outside today, it could barely compare to the beauty found within the walls of one of my favorite shops....one I have posted about no less than four times.  Why so many times, you ask?  Well, aside from loving shop owner, Maureen Culver (whose mother-in-law happened to be my oldest daughter's first grade teacher, and teacher extraordinaire at that), you all....my regular readers ... are crazy about The Speckled Hen.  Whenever I write a post featuring the Hen, my post reads skyrocket.  It seems you're all as nuts about this place as I am.  So....how could I not give you a little sneak peek at the Spring Extravaganza happening right now at the Speckled Hen.

When there's such pretty things to look at, there's no need for words....so without further ado....Welcome to Spring at the Speckled Hen!

For better viewing - larger and clearer, click on each photo.  When you're ready, just hit the 'back' arrow to get back to the blog.

Featuring Tammy Jias Originals!

Ok...so I lied....I need a few words.  Maureen's florals are the most beautiful, most realistic you'll find anywhere.  Once you buy hers, you'll never buy at Michael's again!

If this doesn't give you Spring Fever, I don't know what will!  If you're not already one of Speckled Hen's regular customers, jump on the bandwagon and visit soon.  Maureen will help you put together a beautiful ensemble of accessories, fill a basket or a can and before you know it, you'll be hooked.   The Speckled Hen is located at 38 Saratoga Road (Route 50) in Scotia, NY.  The Hen is open Wednesday-Friday, 10:00-6:00 and Saturday 10:00-4:00.  If you're a newcomer to my blog or to the Speckled Hen, you can read previous posts by using the Search Bar on the side of this post.  Just type in "The Speckled Hen" and check out every other breathtaking season at the Hen!  For more information, use the links provided below. Thanks for reading and sharing Life As I See It.

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