There is beauty to be found in the changing of the earth's seasons, and an inner grace in honoring the cycles of life.
-Jack Kornfield
The view may change, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. As promised in my previous blog post, I'm back today to share Grafton Lakes State Park in late October, a month after our last visit. Ironically, we visited again this past Monday only to find the landscape changed once again, this time beautifully covered in fresh fallen snow. It reminded me yet again, change doesn't have to be bad.
On our visit October 26th, I expected things to look pretty drab with the leaves fallen from the trees by now. What we discovered was color abounding, some which may not have been as noticeable had we been focusing on the treetops.
Our world is full of beautiful places - most not far from home if we take the time to notice. People marvel over exotic places, but there's plenty to appreciate right here (for us homebodies) if we just open our eyes and take in the view.
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