We took a drive through Grafton Park near the end of September and again near the end of October and I can attest to the constant of change as well as the beauty of nature. In today's post, come along on our September drive through the park. In my next post, I'll share our October visit. I think you'll agree that nature ....and change....are filled with beauty.
We always begin our visit with a stop at Dunham Reservoir, separate from the rest of lakes at Grafton Lakes State Park, located on the south side of Route 2, from Dunham Road (before the main park).
This drive was on September 25th, before foliage became brilliant in our home neck of the woods. We were excited we'd ventured out on this beautiful day to find things looking pretty spectacular.
Aside from the crystal blue skies, the mirror-like water made for a most serene view in one of our areas most beautiful state parks. No matter what my state of mind when we begin our visit, I'm guaranteed to be calm and relaxed by the time we leave. Of course, riding along the narrow, dirt roads is always a guaranteed tranquilizer and it goes without saying that I'm pretty lucky my husband isn't one of those guys opposed to getting the car dirty.
One might assume that a month later things would look much duller around the shore, but that was not the case. Come back for my next post to see how things progressed, even in the absence of leaves on the trees in late October. Change is constant but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Sometimes we just need to learn to embrace the change and appreciate what it brings.
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