Let me start by asking a few questions.
- When was the last time you had a long conversation with your best friend - either on the phone or in person?
- When was the last time you spent an afternoon or evening with your parents?
- When was the last time you spent an evening with your children without once looking at your phone, answered a text or checked your email?
- When was the last time you didn't spend time 'working from home' instead of playing or reading to your kids or talking to your spouse?
There was a time, admittedly many years ago, when people actually did these things. They left work and came home and enjoyed their family. There weren't cell phones so people phoned friends or went outside and visited with their neighbors. My parents got together with friends every weekend to play cards or Scrabble. Kids played in the yard with their friends and didn't sit in front of a tv or video game. Families got together on weekends and shared a meal. People lived on their income and did without what they couldn't afford instead of living on credit cards and in debt. Life wasn't perfect and not every household was happy and peaceful, but things were different than they are today. Parents parented and kids were taught values and manners, etiquette and structure. People wrote thank-you notes and youngsters respected there elders. If a teacher said your kid was disrespectful or misbehaved in class, the parent saw that the kid was disciplined, not excused and the teacher blamed. Kids did chores and knew the meaning of responsibility and earning things instead of entitlement. Teenagers earned their allowance or got jobs. It may sound awful to young people today, but that's how it was and somehow we adults survived that upbringing. In many ways, even without cell phones and computers, the world might have been a better place way back then.
Another thing I've noticed, and have for a long time, is how easy it is for us to turn down opportunities to LIVE in order to accomplish. Are you guilty of this?
Life holds no guarantees. All we are sure of is today. If you were told today was the only day you had, how would you spend it? Would you play video games, peruse Facebook or Pinterest, check emails, focus on work? Would you watch t.v. or rake the lawn? Would you polish the furniture or organize your closets? Probably not. Think about it.....maybe whatever you would do if you knew today was the only day left in your life is what you should be doing today.
Next time you're staring mindlessly into your phone or computer or tv screen, next time you're answering work emails from home, stressing over your endless to-do list......stop for a moment and remind yourself that today could very well be the last day you have. It could be the last day your parent has, or your friend has. Before you know it your kids will be grown and off to college. You'll long for the days when you could talk with them or laugh with them. But for now - you have that time. You have today. Carpe Diem!!!! Today is yours for however you want to spend it. Spend it wisely.
Tomorrow, pretend it's your last day. Consider trading a few moments of your typical day with a "to do" list that looks more like this -
- Call a friend
- Write a note to someone you appreciate and tell them what a difference they have made in your life.
- Enjoy your kids - uninterrupted and without distractions
- Go outside and breathe in the fresh air
- Say a prayer
- Make a list of things you are thankful for
- Look around your home and ask yourself if your possessions are adding to the quality of your life
- Contemplate your job.....is it getting more attention than your family and friends? Does it need to?
- Walk away from people in your life who repeatedly hurt and disrespect you.
- Hug your spouse and for a moment, imagine your life without them. Thank God for them.
- Thank God for this day and remind yourself today is temporary. We can't take people or things with us when we go, so re-evaluate how you are investing your time and energy.
- Live - live with Gusto, with Gratitude and with Grace. Forgive others, even if they don't deserve it, you do. Hug people, look into people's eyes, be kind and leave the judging up to God. He has more time and experience anyway.
I loved this post! You have said it all….I hope others take a moment a read this….there is a lot to think about here….very well written, I might add! Thank you for this…..
ReplyDeleteThank you Fran! Life is short and I think we all forget that at times.
DeleteI think about this often as my days are filled full of so much "busyness". I have taken the road to lessen that in one area, but it just seems like so much. Thank you for posting this!