Snow totals varied widely from town to town, some towns getting only 5" of snow while others hit the jackpot with over one or two feet. The good thing about late season storms is that they don't stick around for long and the roads clean up pretty quickly enabling us to get out and about safely and still catch some pretty gorgeous views and photos. Come along on our drive through Easton and Greenwich and see if you don't agree that winter in NY is pretty darn beautiful.
We started the day under a fair amount of cloud cover, but before long we were surrounded by glorious blue skies. It reminded me that it's good not to jump to judgement in life. Often we make decisions and assumptions based on first impressions or limited information. Often, if we are patient and wait a bit, we find out that things aren't always as they seem. That's often the case with weather and also the case with other situations in life and work. Winter is probably finished for the season and I'm ok with that. I'm glad we got to enjoy one last snowy hoorah in the country but I'll be just has excited to capture the first glimpses of green when it emerges too! Happy Spring and thanks for stopping by Life As I See It.
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