Sometimes the places we visit feel like a visit with an old friend. Have you ever noticed that? There are places in our lives...sometimes vacation destinations, sometimes old neighborhoods...places where we enjoy returning to because they are familiar. Since I began this blog nearly four years ago, we've acquired a long list of these places, places I love to photograph, places with wide open views, and often requiring travel on dirt roads. Luckily neither of us are troubled by muddy tires and dusty exteriors. I was recently having a conversation on Facebook with a follower of my blog. She happens to live in Easton, in fact, I've photographed her farm and included it in the photo book I made this year filled with over 100 photos from all around Easton. As we conversed, she mentioned that her sister lives in Carlisle in Schoharie County and if we ever happen out that way and do a blog post, to be sure to let her know. Later that evening I began replaying our conversation and felt sure we had visited Carlisle. Sure enough after browsing my archives I found what I consider some of my favorite photos.....taken in Carlisle back in January of 2014, just a few months before starting my blog. As you've probably already guessed, this prompted a road trip this Tuesday back to Carlisle.
One of the most exciting and memorable things about our first trip to Carlisle was the thrill of discovering a buffalo farm there. Naturally we had to try to find it again.....not an easy task since, as you've learned, our trips are pretty random and not always documented when it comes to street signs. Luckily after some searching, we happened upon a lovely gentleman farmer who was getting his mail. I told him what we were looking for and lucky for us he was familiar with the buffalo and told us where to find them. The landscape, the farms, the run-down barns and houses, the windy roads and trees were every bit as I remembered. Many of the photos I took in 2014 were the same shots I took on this trip. I love doing that.....taking the same shot on different days, different seasons, etc... I'm so excited to share Carlisle with you today. Like many of the rural towns we visit, there isn't much about Carlisle online. It was first settled in 1760 and established as a town in 1807. Some say it was named after a resident, Carlisle Pierce, others say it was named after a city in England. Manufacturing plows was an industry in Carlisle in the 19th century. That's about the extent of it according to Wikipedia. So, here are my photos from our first visit in 2014. I'll share last week's visit my next post!
And here's a little sneak peek at our recent trip........
And that's just the beginning. I'm beginning to believe I must have some farmers in my ancestry because I can't get enough of the rural landscape and everything it has to offer. Stay tuned this week for Part II of our road trip to Carlisle. Aren't we lucky to live in such a beautiful state? Have a great week and if you're lucky enough to have a holiday tomorrow....enjoy! I know Spring is making a brief appearance this week, but I have to admit I'm a little sad to have the snow melt. It's made for some amazing photo ops this winter and I wouldn't complain if we have another storm or two before Spring arrives in earnest. Lucky for you...I have no connections with Mother Nature! Take care and come back soon to Life As I See It. Don't forget...for more posts like this, check out my blog Directory: Click Here for Directory and to Subscribe to receive the blog in your email: Click here to Subscribe
Hi, I am the sister in Carlisle of the follower that you had a talk with on Facebook. You have several pictures of our farm. Eight of the pictures you took are of our farm/land/old barns/cows/hay bales and the dead tree. We love them. Mary and Stuart